What is making me happy is my commitment to fitness by running, walking, and doing yoga. It has helped me keep the weight off (almost two years). It has helped keep the RA in remission. It has helped me keep my mental health demons away. It has been a great stress reliever. Husband has recommitted to running, and we run together on Sunday's with Junior. It's a great way for us to stay connected while staying active and healthy.
Another commitment that makes me happy is that once a month, I take a day off from the PhD stuff, teaching, and exercise to do something for me. It usually involves getting my hair done, going to a spa, or going shopping. It's my day to cut loose and just focus on myself. I did this last semester and I found it really helped me recharge my batteries. Once the syllabi for my courses are posted, I will schedule the time off. It really give e something to look forward to, especially when I need the break.
I am continuing my quest to get rid of anything that is a nuisance. Last year, I organized the entire house, which includes cutting back on how my clutter we have. We now have a good system for keeping things in order. Husband and I made a commitment to cook at home more and eat less crap. I make a big meal on Sunday, which usually lasts until Tuesday. We don't get home until 8 pm on Mondays and Tuesdays, so having the leftovers makes it easier for dinner. I've also stocked the pantry with stuff to make quick and easy meals for the rest of the week. Thursday's are our night out for dinner, which is nice because it's our time to just relax. Plus, it's not as crowded at most places!
I am also recommitting to backing off of FB. I'm already growing tired of the crap there.
For new commitments, I want to do more reading for pure pleasure. I read so much highly intellectual and intense stuff for the PhD, that I mess just reading because I want to read. I don't know how I am going to fit it into my already heavy reading load, but I am going to try.
I'm not sure what new commitments I will be making this year. As long as it brings me happiness, it's all good.
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